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来源:证券之星 阅读量:13829 时间:2024-02-17 23:51   

The 2024 Guangdong High-Quality Development Conference is poised to launch in Shenzhen on February 18. As the "first conference of the new year", it highlights Guangdong's commitment to high-quality economic development.


Thomas J. Sargent, renowned economist and 2011 Nobel Prize laureate, praised the Greater Bay Area as a marvel of academic, scientific, and entrepreneurial activities. Reflecting on the region's remarkable achievements, Sargent emphasized the potential for groundbreaking innovations to emerge from the GBA, shaping the global landscape for years to come.

As the host city of this conference, Shenzhen, is knowas the city born by innovation. With its high-quality development, has also composed the "Chinese miracle" since the reform and opening up. The success of its economic development has also set an example for the world.

According to Sargent, the entrepreneurial spirit in the Greater Bay Area is truly exceptional. “The founding of Shenzhen, the risky experiment was done, and then the successors said, it's an example for people all over the world”, said Sargent, adding the lessons learned from Shenzhen's success, rooted in the ingenuity and determination of its people.

With a rich history of being the driving force behind China's economic growth over the past 35 years, Guangdong continues to excel. According to the 2024 Guangdong Government Work Report, the province's total import and export volume surged to a record high of 8.3 trillion RMB in 2023. Moreover, its actual utilization of foreign capital exceeded 159.16 billion RMB, with the establishment of 21,685 new foreign-invested enterprises.

Look to the future, he further noted, “There's worldwide, leading businesses here. There are goods that are produced here, that are used all over the world. Those are goods that people thought of in the last ten years. Just think in the next 10 or 20 years, there are goods that we can't imagine that are produced by entrepreneurs and engineers here, they are going to be known not only in their Greater Bay Area, but throughout the world.”






